aerogel-it among finalists of DGNB Sustainability Challenge 2023

We are very happy and honored to have been among the three start-up finalists chosen for this years #Sustainability Challenge 2023 by the DGNB German Sustainable Building Council.

Our CEO Marc presented our activities and materials like our 100% bio-based #lignin aerogels as green superinsulation. Even though we did not win the prize in the end, we received lots and lots of positive feedback from the #Construction community members at the day of sustainability #TdN23 in Stuttgart. Our heartfelt congratulations go to the winner STRAMENTEC GmbH and their great straw-based solution!

Together with the huge number of requests we received over the last months from companies, home owners, architects etc., this confirms to us that we are on the right path with our approach and solutions. We firmly believe that aerogels will play a decisive role towards improved energy efficiency and CO2 reduction in the Construction industry - but also in multiple other industries ! The market signals are firming up.

An exciting period for us at aerogel-it.

Photos: DGNB


Two years of aerogel-it


Membership in C3 association, BAU 2023 and new aerogel products