Membership in C3 association, BAU 2023 and new aerogel products

We are very happy to announce that aerogel-it recently joined the Carbon Concrete Composite association. The team will be present at the BAU 2023 in München, where our 100% bio-based lignin aerogel and our biomineral aerogel will be exhibited in a carbon-reinforced concrete sandwich element on the C3 booth. A prefab element with our new aerogel products is shown in the photo below.

We strongly believe in the powerful combination of slim carbon concrete and aerogel insulation to minimize wall thickness and improve energy efficiency in use. With bio-based aerogels, embodied CO2 can be reduced strongly. With advanced modular prefab technology, as driven by C3, highly efficient construction will be possible.

Since our new bio-based aerogel products will still take some time to arrive as we are setting up financing followed by construction of our first production plant, we will soon offer other aerogel products to serve the already strong demand of our customers especially in the Construction industry - stay tuned for updates!

Photo by Mario Stelzmann/HTWK

Carbon concrete prefab element with lignin bioaerogel and biomineral aerogel by aerogel-it

aerogel-it among finalists of DGNB Sustainability Challenge 2023


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